Italy, 86 min, 2020
Paolo (Giorgio Tirabassi), owner of a restaurant in a town in the Province of Rome, is driving back home on a rainy night after closing his establishment. Along the way, he sees a boy sitting alone and huddled in the freezing cold and decides to take him to his home. The boy’s name is Mohammed and he’s a Syrian refugee who had lost his parents in the course of their journey to Italy aboard a dinghy. The boy’s presence troubles his wife Valeria (Donatella Finocchiaro), doubtful and full of misgivings right from the onset. Nonetheless, the woman eventually accepts to host him for the night. Valeria accepts Paolo’s decision to keep the boy with them for a few days, so that he can regain some strength. Lavishing attention on little Mohammad, by degrees Valeria seems to find release from the depression into which the recent death of her own young son Marco had plunged her. The boy’s unexpected arrival in their house reignites the intimacy and serenity of the two spouses, even if the society around them, so rife with prejudice, isn’t yet ready to accept the relation between two lost and suffering souls. But all too soon the young Syrian’s presence will unsettle the life of Valeria and Paolo…
Genre: drama
Year: 2020
Director: Goran Paskaljević
Cast: Donatella Finocchiaro, Giorgio Tirabassi, Alì Mousa Sahran, Francesco Acquaroli, Anna Galiena.

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